Towards a Clash of Civilizations?
Anförande vid ett symposium som anordnas av tyska Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) For many, the name of Pullach is associated with a...
Reforming Corporate Governance
Anförande vid Kreabs tioårsfirande i Bryssel, Belgien The subject of today’s Kreab anniversary seminar is certainly topical. On the other...
The New Security Agenda
Anförande i Zürich vid International Security Forum, Schweiz We all know it: we are living through a period of momentous changes in the...
State Building and International Security
Anförande i London vid IISS Global Strategic Review, Storbritannien Suddenly, it has become obvious that efforts at what is referred to...
Want to Help Africa? Stop Farm Subsidies
Artikel publicerad i Wall Street Journal The hard issues of the future of Africa are finally starting to emerge on the international...
Security for a New World
Anförande vid Global Forum for Law Enforcement & National Security We are meeting here in London in a situation very much different from...
The Shaping of a New Europe
Anförande i Budapest, Ungern Here, in Budapest, you are truly in the midst of the shaping of the new Europe. A few days ago, the...
Global Coalition against Global Terrorism
Anförande vid konferens i Norfolk, Virginia, USA It is symbolic that we are meeting here in Norfolk to discuss the new dimensions of...
Success during Years of Danger
Anförande vid konferens i Riga, Lettland, om ''OSCE and Lativa: Past, Present and Future'' We often forget how much things have changed...
Create an ''Axis of Good''
Anförande om ''Shaping a Credible EU Foreign Policy'' i Bryssel, Belgien With the Convention on the future constitution of the European...
Ton Win Peace - Not Only War
Anförande vid Royal Institute for International Affairs konferens om Europa and America: A New Strategic Relationship Most of our...
Pre-emptive military action and the legitimacy of the use of force
Anförande vid European Security Forum i Bryssel, Belgien The present debate about the legitimacy of pre-emptive military action was...
A Belated Defence of the Soviet Union
Kommentar till publikationen av Rolf Ekeus ubåtsrapport Suddenly, the old issue of the incursions of foreign submarines into Swedish...
Baltic Security and NATO
Anförande vid internationell konferens i Riga, Lettland, om ''Baltic Membership in NATO - Enhanced Stability and Security in Europe'' Let...
New Efforts for Peace
Anförande vid Gulbenkian Foundation, Lissabon, Portugal We are meeting at a time when we see the international system changing, and...