The New Economy
Anförande vid ICT Forum i Milano, Italien After the burst of the financial market bubble surrounding the so called new economy during a...
St Andrews Lecture
The St Andrew’s Day International Lecture on Global Peace and Security I am deeply honoured by this opportunity of addressing you on some...
The Alcuin Lecture: The New European Agenda
Anförande vid Cambridge University, Storbritannien It is truly an honour to be invited to give the Alcuin Lecture this year. And it is...
Rome Speech on Peace Challenges
Anförande i Rom, Italien Two weeks ago, we all celebrated the advent of the century and the new millennium. But in most respects, the...
Options for Peace in Kosovo
Anförande vid UNUSA/IAI conference i Rom, Italien This conference has to assess one of the most difficult of the many difficult...
Beyond Protectorates: Possibilities for Peace in Southeastern Europe
Anförande vid United States Institute of Peace "The Balkans are -- once again -- at the very top of the international agenda. And by...
The Invention of Peace
Anförande i S:t Petersburg för Ivan Bloch Commemorative Conference on The Future of War Reading Ivan Blochs work a century after it was...
Now, NATO Troops Should Catch the Big Fish
Artikel i New York Times The NATO-led force in Bosnia must now quickly arrest the most important people indicted for war crimes. After...