Anförande vid Robert Bosch-akademin
Anförande i Berlin, Tyskland Dear Friends, It is an honour and a pleasure to come to Berlin and be asked to say a few words as an...
Anförande vid CSIS
Anförande i Washington DC, USA It is a delight to be back in Washington again, and no less a delight to be back here at CSIS again. Your...
The Afghan Endgame Mirage
Artikel på Project Syndicate On a recent visit to Afghanistan and Pakistan, I could not fail to notice the increasingly frequent...
Anförande vid Istanbul Bilgi University
Anförande i Istanbul, Turkiet It is always a pleasure to come to Istanbul - and even more so when there is an opportunity like this to...
Strengthening the ESDP - The EU's Approach to International Security
Anförande vid EES i Helsingfors, Finland It's a great pleasure to be able to take part in this important conference. I have been among...
Anförande vid EU-Centralasienforum
Anförande i Paris, Frankrike Esteemed colleagues, partners and friends, Last year, Afghanistan accounted for 93 percent of global opium...
Anförande vid IISS-Citi India Global Forum
Anförande i New Dehli, Indien It is always a true pleasure to come to India and to feel how our world is changing. We are living in an...
Building Europe's East
Anförande i Tiblisi, Georgien It was in November 1989 that history suddenly confronted our generation with a new and challenging task -...
Russia and the New Europe
Artikel i Russia and Global Affairs Three hundred years after Peter the Great founded his new capital in the marshlands of the Neva,...