Keeping the Balkan Ghosts at Bay
Publicerad på Project Syndicate European Union leaders have suddenly awoken to new realities in the Balkans. At a recent summit, they...
The Ukraine Crisis: What's Next for Europe?
Anförande vid Summit on the Future of Europe, Harvard University, USA A century after the catastrophe of 1914, which ended a long age of...
Anförande vid Atlantic Council
Anförande i Washington DC, USA It is always a pleasure to come here to the Atlantic Council. And this time I'm doing so at a truly...
Anförande vid Robert Bosch-akademin
Anförande i Berlin, Tyskland Dear Friends, It is an honour and a pleasure to come to Berlin and be asked to say a few words as an...
Köpenhamns universitet
Anförande i Köpenhamn, Danmark För hundra år sedan - våren 1914 - trodde nog de allra flesta i Europa att freden var säker. Det andra...
Anförande på Strategic Military Partner Conference
Anförande i Stockholm, Sverige It is a pleasure to welcome you all here tonight. A few minutes ago I landed from Luxembourg, where I have...
The Return of Freedom - Baltic-Russian Relations During the First Years of Independence
Anförande vid Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Sverige It was Thursday the 15th of August 1991 - twenty years ago by the day....
Internationall challenges in the 21st Century
Anförande i Mexiko City, Mexiko To start with stating the obvious: trying to predict the future in these times of rapid and profound...
Anförande vid Atlantic Council Dinner
Anförande i Washington DC, USA It's a true honour to be invited to come here and deliver some remarks on the European perspective of the...
The Invention of Peace
Anförande i S:t Petersburg för Ivan Bloch Commemorative Conference on The Future of War Reading Ivan Blochs work a century after it was...