Anförande vid Nuclear Security Summit 2014
Anförande i Haag, Nederländerna Mr Prime Minister, Let me start by thanking you and the Government of the Netherlands for hosting the...
Assessing the Efficacy of Sanctions for Non-proliferation
Anförande vid The Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference, Washington DC, USA Let me just start by saying how much I always appreciate the...
Anförande vid Nuclear Security Summit 2012
Anförande i Seoul, Sydkorea Mr President, allow me to express my sincere thanks to you and to the people of the Republic of Korea for...
Anförande vid Ickespridningsfördragets (NPT) översynskonferens
Anförande i New York, USA Mr President, The importance of the conference we are opening here today is obvious to us all. It should...
Anförande vid Global Zero Summit
Anförande i Paris, Frankrike Once upon a time, the combined national security elite of my country was convinced that we had to develop...
Anförande vid IISS
Anförande vid Internationella Institutet för Strategiska Studier i London, Storbritannien Half a century ago - in 1958 -w e lived in a...
Pre-emptive military action and the legitimacy of the use of force
Anförande vid European Security Forum i Bryssel, Belgien The present debate about the legitimacy of pre-emptive military action was...