Anförande vid Global Zero Summit
Anförande i Paris, Frankrike Once upon a time, the combined national security elite of my country was convinced that we had to develop...
Anförande vid RAND Europe
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Let me first of all apologies for the fact that I am in a hurry. This is the fate of the Presidency of the...
Anförande vid Atlantic Council Dinner
Anförande i Washington DC, USA It's a true honour to be invited to come here and deliver some remarks on the European perspective of the...
ESDP @10 - What lessons for the future
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Thank you for organizing this seminar where we should reflect on ten years of experiences with the ESDP and...
Strengthening the ESDP - The EU's Approach to International Security
Anförande vid EES i Helsingfors, Finland It's a great pleasure to be able to take part in this important conference. I have been among...
Anförande vid IISS
Anförande vid Internationella Institutet för Strategiska Studier i London, Storbritannien Half a century ago - in 1958 -w e lived in a...
Europe 1957 - 2007 - 2057
Anförande vid Chatham House i London, Storbritannien Half a century ago, our two countries - the United Kingdom and Sweden - didn't...
The EU and the US: What Strategic Dialogue?
Anförande vid IISS Global Strategic Review i Genève, Schweiz Is there a strategic dialogue between the United States and Europe on the...
Om Polens affärer och Europas framtid
Anförande vid Svensk-Polska Handelskammarens 75-årsjubileum Vad f-n angå dej Polens affärer, skaldade en gång Bellman i Fredmans...
Europe in turbulent times
Anförande vid The Economist Conference i Aten, Grekland Ladies and Gentlemen, Two weeks from now, the leaders of no less than 25 states...
Never accept ethnic cleansing
Artikel i Financial Times Last week saw what there was of international policy in on Kosovo go up in flames. With more than 100 houses...
Are the Nordic Countries Ready for a New Europe?
Anförande vid de nordiska ambassaderna i Berlin, Tyskland It is always a pleasure to come to Berlin. To neglect what is happening here is...
Europe and Global Affairs
Anförande i Dublin vid ACTE Global Conference, Irland Where is the world heading? You have a professional reason to ask yourself that...
Hard-earned lessons on nation-building
Artikel i International Herald Tribune Seven ways to rebuild Iraq In the wake of the war in Iraq, the world is learning once again that...
Sverige och Finland i Nya Europa
Anförande inför Paasikivisamfundet i Helsingfors, Finland Att tala inför Paasikivisamfundet är en alldeles speciell ära. Det är nu snart...