100 stapplande dagar
Debattartikel i Dagens Industri Det har varit bråda dagar i Vita huset denna vecka. Med den fixering som finns i den amerikanska debatten...
The “New” Trump’s Lopsided Foreign Policy
Publicerad på Project Syndicate After a series of foreign-policy U-turns, there is now talk of a “new” Donald Trump who is far more...
Why Europe was alarmed by Trump’s inaugural address
Artikel i Washington Post Was Europe in any way reassured by what we heard from President Trump in his inaugural address? Hardly. And let...
Head for the Bunkers
Artikel på Project Syndicate In August 2015, I tweeted that if Donald Trump were to be elected President of the United States, we would...
Taking North Korea Seriously
Artikel på Project Syndicate We are living in dangerous and uncertain times. The United States is engaged in a bizarre and highly...
Assessing the Efficacy of Sanctions for Non-proliferation
Anförande vid The Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference, Washington DC, USA Let me just start by saying how much I always appreciate the...
Anförande vid Stockholm Internet Forum 2012
Anförande i Stockholm, Sverige Ladies and Gentlemen, Most welcome to Stockholm and the Stockholm Forum on Internet Freedom for Global...
Anförande vid Ickespridningsfördragets (NPT) översynskonferens
Anförande i New York, USA Mr President, The importance of the conference we are opening here today is obvious to us all. It should...
Anförande vid RAND Europe
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Let me first of all apologies for the fact that I am in a hurry. This is the fate of the Presidency of the...
Anförande vid China Foreign Affairs University
Anförande i Beijing Let me just make some remarks before trying to answer the different questions that you might have. Politicians...
Vårt gemensamma Europas framtid
Anförande vid College of Europe i Warszawa, Polen It is an honour for me to be invited to this distinguished institute for European...
EU:s utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiska utmaningar
Anförande vid Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Sverige Welcome to Stockholm and the beginning of a new European debate about the...
We have crossed the Rubicon - but where are we heading next?
Anförande vid gemensamt seminarium mellan Centre for European Reform och Svenska Institutet för Europapolitiska Studier It was in...
To win peace after the war
Anförande vid IOMA 60th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA I left the metropolis of Moscow - far away on the plains of Russia -...
Pre-emptive military action and the legitimacy of the use of force
Anförande vid European Security Forum i Bryssel, Belgien The present debate about the legitimacy of pre-emptive military action was...