Moskva förstod inte vad som hände
Artikel publicerad i Dagens Industri Jag var inte i Berlin den historiska torsdagskvällen den 9 november 1989. Att det slutgiltiga...
Putin is not the geopolitical genius the world makes him out to be
Kolumn i Washington Post Occasionally, people claim that Vladimir Putin is a geopolitical player of extraordinary competence and success....
Russia's Imperial Instinct
Artikel på Project Syndicate Russia is once again at the center of policy debates in many Western capitals. And for the third time in a...
Vinterkriget 75 år
Anförande i Stockholm, Sverige Först ett stort tack för initiativet till denna dag och denna diskussion. Att reflektera över historiens...
The Ukraine Crisis: What's Next for Europe?
Anförande vid Summit on the Future of Europe, Harvard University, USA A century after the catastrophe of 1914, which ended a long age of...
Anförande vid Atlantic Council
Anförande i Washington DC, USA It is always a pleasure to come here to the Atlantic Council. And this time I'm doing so at a truly...
Anförande vid Robert Bosch-akademin
Anförande i Berlin, Tyskland Dear Friends, It is an honour and a pleasure to come to Berlin and be asked to say a few words as an...
Anförande vid Riga Cicero Awards
Anförande i Riga, Lettland Let me start with the most important point: how honoured I am to receive your award. And I am particularly...
Anförande på Strategic Military Partner Conference
Anförande i Stockholm, Sverige It is a pleasure to welcome you all here tonight. A few minutes ago I landed from Luxembourg, where I have...
Anförande vid Central European University
Anförande i Budapest, Ungern Thank you for inviting me. It is a great honour to be here, and a pleasure to see old friends from the...
The Return of Freedom - Baltic-Russian Relations During the First Years of Independence
Anförande vid Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Sverige It was Thursday the 15th of August 1991 - twenty years ago by the day....
Doha Forum 2011
Anförande i Doha, Qatar Let me start by expressing my appreciation of the role Qatar is playing in bringing ideas, interests and...
Internationall challenges in the 21st Century
Anförande i Mexiko City, Mexiko To start with stating the obvious: trying to predict the future in these times of rapid and profound...
Anförande vid Global Zero Summit
Anförande i Paris, Frankrike Once upon a time, the combined national security elite of my country was convinced that we had to develop...
Anförande vid IISS
Anförande vid Internationella Institutet för Strategiska Studier i London, Storbritannien Half a century ago - in 1958 -w e lived in a...